Motor Vehicle Accidents
Roadway Collapsed -
28-year-old male was wrongfully killed after the roadway he was traveling on collapsed. Negligent maintenance of roadway by County. After trial jury verdict awarded $3,200,000.
Vehicle Rollover -
49-year-old male suffered a spinal cord injury in a single-vehicle rollover accident. Settlement to the plaintiff for $1,659,615 payable as an annuity.
Negligent Traffic Control -
Wrongful death of 52 year-old male and his 11 year-old son. Claim filed on behalf of surviving wife/mother. Negligent traffic control on a mountainous roadway in New Mexico by county and contractor. After trial jury verdict awarded $1,448,000
Commercial Truck -
Wrongful death of a 37 year-old male after commercial truck-rear ended decedent’s truck, which was traveling slowly behind a paver, propelling it off the roadway. Claim filed on behalf of his surviving wife and children. Case settled before trial. Plaintiffs settlement in excess of $1,000,000.
Interstate Highway Mishap -
35-year-old man was wrongfully killed and his passenger, a 47-year-old male, sustained a fracture at C6. Wrongful death and personal injury – interstate highway mishap. At the close of the second day of jury deliberations, the case settled for policy limits of $1,000,000.
Vehicle Ran a Right Light -
43-year-old man was wrongfully killed after a vehicle ran a right light at the intersection. The suit was brought by his surviving daughter and mother. After trial jury verdict awarded $1,250,000 to surviving daughter and $150,000 to the mother.
Van Rollover -
16-year-old girl suffered head injuries when the driver of the van she was a passenger in, lost control and rolled the van on the freeway. Case settled after formal mediation. Terms of the settlement are confidential.
Collided Into His Vehicle -
53-year-old man suffered multiple leg fractures when a vehicle negligently changed lanes and collided into his vehicle. Case settled for $452,750.00
Violently Rear Ended -
58-year-old man suffered multiple bone fractures and a closed head injury after he was violently rear-ended by another vehicle on the freeway. Case settled after formal mediation for $600,000.00
Truck Made a U-turn -
53-year-old man was wrongfully killed when a truck made a U-turn in front of his vehicle. The claim was made by his two surviving sons. Case settled after formal mediation. Terms of the settlement are confidential.